
the problem
the brief

History-making multiuse urban development
Name suitable for a major street and light rail stop
Brand a pedestrian-friendly city within a city

It was a remarkable undertaking: turning a 72-acre industrial site into a major urban development, with top-tier restaurants and hotels within walking distance of the American Airlines Center. But the dream needed a name. Names, actually. Many of the streets, parks, plazas, and buildings would require names that dovetailed with the overall concept.

the problem
the solution
the name

The breakthrough was naming an attitude instead of just naming a place. The name Victory celebrates achievement and evokes a winning spirit well beyond its sports connotations (although that nod to sports was another strength, since a premier arena anchored the development). Most important, Victory created natural and memorable opportunities for a naming system.

the solution
the naming system
Street Names

Names that directly reinforce the larger sense of Victory and all it implies. Examples include Champion, Valor, and Ovation.

Parks and Plazas

Names that conjure up a victorious celebration, such as Victory Plaza, Celebration Square, Anthem Park, and Fanfare Plaza.


Residential developments would take names of awards and trophies, such as Faraday (awarded in science), Newbery (children’s books), or Harmon (aviation).


Victory could also engender corporate-friendly names such as Encomium (praise), Bravura (daring), Exaltare (from exalted), and Ganador (winner in Spanish).

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